
#2007: Beginner’s Didgeridoo in F (SOLD) 

 June 6, 2020

By  Ben

A really easy didge to pick up and play, which makes it ideal for the beginner, but more than suitable for an experienced player too.


I spotted this standing dead silver birch in Shirebrook Woods, Nottinghamshire. I was immediately drawn to the gorgeous, crusty bottom end, which was covered in moss.

I planed away most of the crusty outer bark, but have left some of the natural silver colour, some of which has a bluish lichen on, and quite a bit of the lovely, chestnut-brown sub-bark.

The didge is unpainted, but varnished. There is no beeswax on the mouthpiece, as it really is not necessary, but I can add if required.

Light and short, this didge is very easy to handle and to play. It is in F, which is towards the high end of the usual range for traditional didgeridoos. It would be ideal for a beginner or a more advanced player.

  • Number: 2020-07
  • Harvested: May 2020
  • Completed: May 2020
  • Base tone: F
  • Length: 1.39m
  • Weight: 2.05kg (very light)
  • Ease of play: Very easy 

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