
#2003: Beginner’s Didgeridoo in C#/D £80 

 June 4, 2020

By  Ben

A really easy didge to pick up and play, which makes it ideal for the beginner, but more than suitable for an experienced player too.


We sourced the wood from the woodland at Kiveton Park (Sheffield) back in 2019, and this was the third didgeridoo I made in 2020 (hence the code #20/03).

The pitch is between C# and D, and the didge has a nice, traditional sound. Although roughly finished, this really is a perfectly good instrument for many styles of play.

I have painted the Barefoot mark on, but the rest of the stick is unfinished. The buyer may wish to sand down some of the lumps that remain on lower end and possibly add varnish.

A little beeswax has been added to the mouthpiece end for comfort.

  • Number: 2020-03
  • Harvested: 2019
  • Completed: 2020
  • Base tone: C#/D
  • Length: 1.53m
  • Weight: 2.2kg (light)
  • Ease of play: Very easy 


If you would like this didgeridoo, please note that I do not currently ship. You are welcome to collect, or meet me at an upcoming festival or craft fair. If you are local to me (North East Derbyshire, England), I may also deliver.

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